It was brought to my attention this morning by one of my close friends on some advice for her child's cold and constant cough. Having a three and a half year old myself, I have had first hand experience dealing with constant colds and viruses. There are a few easy things to give your child in order to boost their immune system.
I am going to share a few tips that have been successful for my child when she has a recurrent cold or virus.
*Please keep in mind that these are natural tips to help your child's immune system and that I am not a M.D. or pediatrician. I am a licensed acupuncturist and can only prescribe natural Chinese herbs, vitamins or offer dietary advice. If your child does have a fever or is sick with a sore throat for more than a few days, you should definitely take them to see their pediatrician. Follow your intuition as a parent. You always know what's best for your child.
My Top 10 Suggestions for your Child's Cold
1. Daily Multivitamin and Fish oil
- I buy the Catlyn children's chewable multivitamin and Nordic Omega-3 Gummies from Nordic Naturals (fish oil).
2. Vitamin C is key
- Chewable vitamin C is great. About 100mg daily for maintenance and 200-400mg if your child is sick. This really helps boost their immune system.
3. Probiotic
- Believe it or not, kids need to have a healthy gut or flora for optimum immunity too. I give my daughter a probiotic powder called HMF powder from Genestra brands. I hide it in her milk and give it to her at night.
4. Homeopathic Cold Syrup
- I buy Highlands natural cough syrup with honey. Really great for coating their throat and any soreness or constant cough.
5. Elderberry Syrup
- My favorite brand is Sambucol elderberry syrup. They have a child's version without alcohol or sugar. This can be taken preventatively for chronic cough and support for upper respiratory infections such as croup or viral cough.
6. Umcka
- This is a tincture that helps kick the cold twice as fast. There is a non-alcohol version at all natural food stores like Sprouts or Whole foods.
7. Half a clove of Garlic at the 1st sign of cold
- Sounds pretty gross, but garlic is one of the most effective remedies that is anti-viral and anti-bacterial. Just hide a small clove in their yogurt, fruit snack or hummus. Works like a charm.
8. Chinese Pediatric Herbs
- There is a great company called Blue Poppy herbs and they make a wonderful pediatric line of chinese tinctures for kids. I use the formula called "Lu Qi Jr." for my daughters chronic cough during cold and flu season and it really works like a charm. You can order it on Just give them one dropper daily for preventative care during the cold season or two full droppers when they are sick (for a child over 2 years old only). If they are under 2 years old, give them only 1 dropper when sick. This is not meant for newborns.
9. Sea Buddies Immune Defense
- This is a chewable vitamin that is a great blend of vitamin C, vitamin B6, Zinc and Elderberry. I love it because it has all of the immune boosting elements in one. My daughter loves the taste too. It is by the brand Enzymatic Therapy and you can order it online at
10. Healthy Balanced Diet & Sleep
- Diet is key to your child's health. No amount of vitamins or supplements can take the place of real whole foods. Make sure your child is eating a good balance of fruits, veggies, grains and proteins. Fruits give them vitamin C, protein is important for their growth and energy, and veggies are wonderful antioxidants for them.
- Sleep is really key for restoring the body's immune system. Make sure your child is getting enough sleep at night. They need more when they are sick.
Don't forget lots of LOVE and Laughter!
Pick any of these tips and see which ones work for your child. I would definitely do the top three suggestions for daily immune maintenance.
Wishing you a healthy and happy Spring :)
Tina Ghahramani-Singh
Licensed Acupuncturist, Theta & Reiki
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